26 March 2008

Where have you been?

We are formed by our life experiences and for me, my church experiences have been very formative. God has brought me (and later, me and my family) through a rich tapestry of his body the Church.

I was "born" Roman Catholic, though my participation in that ancient institution has been minimal.

I prayed to receive Christ in a small Bible church that had a faithful few that ran a great vacation Bible School one summer.

I was confirmed in the United Methodist church. Ias a teenager I was puzzled that people came to church week after week, yet seemed no nearer to God then when they left. Yet, I learned to sing there as a way to worship God, and this has added richness to my life.

One day while trying to find God I slipped into an old-fashioned pentecostal church that had rented out an old movie theatre. Complete with tongues and prophesy and being slain in the spirit. I stayed a while and learned a few things.

Then I found that small Bible Church again which God had multiplied because of its faithfulness. I came to learn that they were Reformed and Baptist, oh and Charismatic.

Then I became part of a Cell group-based church that was very international.

Many of my friends went to a Charismatic Episcopal church, and others started to get into the writings of the early church fathers and the practices of the ancient religious orders.

Then I moved and became part of a church that was essentially a "Name it and Claim it" faith church. I'm so sure God has a sense of humor! Yet he taught me many things here that I could not have learned anywhere else.

I have learned that the circle God draws around his people is wider than we are usually willing to allow. I have learned that Christians can be the most naive and silly people, and yet God in his mercy, loves them anyway.

I have learned that I am naive and silly, yet God loves me anyway.

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